Parallel Turns
5 Steps to the Perfect Parallel Turn
• Body Position – (Image 1)
This is the first thing I assess when I’m teaching skiers of any level because it is such an important factor in all aspects of skiing. Get it right and your skiing will start to improve dramatically. Hands in front, head up and look where you are going. Be relaxed but balanced over your feet in a dynamic ready position. Even World-class skiers put in hours of practice to make good posture, second nature.
• Pole Plant – (Image 2)
Having a smooth, rhythmical pole plant helps to coordinate all the movements of skiing and bind everything together. The timing of the pole plant is key as it starts the new turn and sets everything in motion. As you release the previous turn, plant the pole and start the next one. The pole plant will be a huge help in bumps, steeps and powder. It might be awkward to start with, but stick with it and it will begin to feel natural.
At the end of a turn the edges need to be released before starting the next one. This means flattening both skis and starting to progressively transfer weight from the downhill ski onto the uphill ski. As this happens your skis will naturally start to point downhill allowing you to gradually start your next turn. This will make a big difference in tricky snow such as crud, slush and powder.
• COMMITMENT – (Image 4)
Once the edges have been released the body moves forward, down the hill and into the new turn. This positive body movement allows you to roll the edges on earlier, keeping you balanced and centered over your feet. A confident, committed start will set you up for the entire turn.
• EDGING – (Image 5)
With ‘carving’ being such a buzzword in skiing everybody is obsessed with how much edge they can get on the skis. But a good skier has precise control over the exact amount of edge required and adjusts to suit. The aim is to progressively build the edge up on both skis throughout the turn and then flatten them simultaneously into the new one. It is essential to be balanced over your feet to allow this adjustment to happen.
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